
Intro to coding and software development.

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Conditions and Loops

Condition Statements

Often a program must evaluate data and make decisions based on whether a statement is true or false, or dependant on what a numerical value is. The ‘If’ statement makes use of this. Other times evaluations are made are in loops in which the program will keep executing a block of code as long as a certain condition is or isn’t met.

Table of Conditional Operators
Table of Logical Operators
&& : and ,   : or , ! : not
while (x >= 3 && y < 5 || lifeMeaning === 42) {code to be run}

That statement would read as while x is greater than or equal to 3 and y is less than five or lifeMeaning is 42, keep executing the block of code in the curly brackets until one or more of those comparison statements is no longer true. For instance if the block of code changed the variable y to 6, it would stop executing that block because y is no longer less than five. Or nothing could happen numerically to x or y to no longer satisfy the conditions of the while loop but the lifeMeaning variable became anything other than the strict numerical value of 42, that could also stop the while loop.

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