
Intro to coding and software development.

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Reading Notes for HTML Chapters 4 and 15, and JavaScript 3

anchor (a) tags have an href attribute with a web address or file path within one’s own site which is a relative url. E-mail is linked with mailto: before the email address. to open a new window the target attribute should be _blank. an href with a # sign will connect a link to the tag on that page. Relative positioning moves to the top right etc of where it would have gone. Absolute positioning will hold a space despite other content being present and be right on top of it. Fixed positioning stays in place and doesn’t scroll with the window. the z index decides what’s above or below overlapping elements. Specific grids are used to divide the pages space for content placement.

A function is declared by its keyword and name followed by parentheses with its parameters within. The parameters work like variables whose values are set at the time at which the function is called. Functions contain a block of code within curly brackets. A function can return a value using that statement with a value and that data will be used as a value in the place of the function call in relation to the code around which the function was called. They can be immediately invoked by not declaring a name. Back to Table of Contents