
Intro to coding and software development.

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Reading Notes HTML Chapters 5, 11, 12

Img tag, alt attribute stores text description of what the picture shows for the blind. Height and width are set, measured in pixels. the figure tag semanticaly groups an image with a caption. figcaption displays a caption for the image. RGB is red green blue between 0 and 255. Hexcodes are three groupings of two character hexidecimal numbers using letters and numbers for a total of six characters following the hashtag. rgba is opacity and is between 0 and 1. hsl is hue saturation lightness. Typeface: serif have extra details sans-serif have strait endings monospace is fixed width(remember it looks like old dos boxes or terminals) weight is thickness of letter ie bold italic is leaning to the right stretch or condensed is horizontal spacing Preference for font family can be determined and specific fonts named, with alternate second choices if preference unavailable. h1 is 12 px h1 is 2 em Return To Table of Contents