
Intro to coding and software development.

Project maintained by Draquix Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Notes for HTML book Chapter 16 (pg 406-427), Chapter 19 (pg 476-492)

A good practice for uniform sizes is to set classes in the image tags and use css to set the width and height of the class. Floating the image to the left or right lets text flow around it. Since images are inline elements, text align will justify their placement within a container. The background-image property lets you place an image behind an element.

background-image: url("images/pattern.gif");
background-repeat: repeat-x;

The above will repeat the image only horizontally. repeat-y will repeat it vertically. The position such as top left places where within an element. The shorthand for background: is color, image, repeat, attachment, position.

button:hover {}

Is a selector that will allow for different behaviors while the mouse is poised over that button. Gradients are possible using:

background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(color1, color2)

Search Engine Optimization is when keywords are placed throughout the HTML to attract search engines seeking those terms. The most important places are: page title, url, headings, text, link text, image alt text, and page description . has a service to sign up for that tracks traffic. It is important to know what visitors are looking at, where they are coming from.

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