
Intro to coding and software development.

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Reading 03 | Code 301 | Flexbox and Templating

Required Reading Articles Linked Below:

Templating and Mustache

Some paraphrasing done from the above-linked article by Sherlynn Tan Templating renders content to the page using a JSON source file. A template is standard HTML, but extra tags are put in that are used as placeholders for variables or trigger codeblocks to be run within the program. Mustache is a way to put extra tags in templates that the program replaces with data or removes. It is an external library: mustache.js. It works by using double curly braces to mark a point of insertion. With the library linked, the syntax is to use

res.render('nameOfHTMLfile', {"key": "valuePair"})
//or declare a var/const and assign it JSON data
const dataBit = {"hornedThing": "unicorn"};
res.render('index', dataBit)

in the HTML:

<h2>This thing is named </h2>

and the result is the header2 will say ‘This thing is named unicorn’.


Set display:flex; on the parent element to enable flex content for all direct children. Content is layed out in a direction that can be specified by setting flex-direction to either row, row-reverse, column, or column-reverse. flex-wrap is set to determine if it may use another line or not through, nowrap/wrap/wrap-reverse justify-content can be left, right, or center with flex-start/flex-end/center or set to space-between, space-around, or space-evenly. align-items affects vertical actions, flex-start or flex-end cause either the top or bottom margins to align. center uses the median height, stretch adjusts height to fit the parent, and baseline uses an inner textual reference to align. align-content uses same settings as align-items

Children Properties:

The children of a flex box have a property: order which is a numerical value. flex-grow is by default 1, and has no unit, it’s a proportional measurement by which they are resized to fit flex-shrink is the opposite of flex-grow and may not use negative values. flex-basis uses standard units to determine a default size before the rest of the space is distributed to other children align-self uses the align-items attributes, but specific to the child.

Note About Flexbox Froggy

It’s pretty intuitive and levels 1-23 took 15 seconds to a minute… but I was on level 24 for about half an hour before I came up with: flex-direction:column-reverse; flex-wrap:wrap-reverse; justify-content:center; align-content:space-between; But it was kind of fun.

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