
Intro to coding and software development.

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Reading Notes 07 | Code 301 | REST and APIs

HTTP is the protocal used by the WWW for web servers and to respond to requests. It’s almost like a GPS for webpages as it can describe the location of something anywhere from anywhere. REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is the architectural style the web is built on. It could allow machines to use the web much in the way people do, in performing tasks. A properly formatted URL is like a machine’s equivalent of a noun… by describing to one machine what you need from it in terms of information, if it doesn’t have it it can at least know what you’re looking for to ask other connected machines if they have it. REST also applies a uniform verbage to the proverbial noun that is the URL. By defining specific syntax and language for what is to be done with the information specified in the URL, it allows machines to manipulate that data through their interconnectedness. Humans and machines look for different things in the web. Ideally every web page would have a human readable representation, and a machine version that just has the data. An HTTP ‘get’ would be used to retrieve information, and if a machine wanted to update information elsewhere it could use an HTTP ‘put’, or to save something elsewhere an HTTP ‘post’.

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