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Reading Notes 08 | Code 301 | SQL

source reading: Sql Bolt Docs

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is formatted as a table of related entries of fixed properties and attributes per entry.

basic query

Using SELECT column, another column FROM myTable –> will return the properties of those columns for all entries in the table. An asterix will select all. adding conditions can be done using WHERE condition AND/OR condition AND/OR another condition SELECT DISTINCT col, col2 will remove duplicate columms ORDER BY col ASC/DESC lists the returned entries in ascending order by that column LIMIT specifies the number of entries to return OFFSET specifies the number of the row to begin counting from

operators in queries

operators =, !=. <, <=, >, >= can be between parameter/variable names and numbers BETWEEN … AND specifies a range of ‘col_name’ entries NOT BETWEEN … AND specifies outside a range IN () finds numbers in a list ie: (1,2,5,9) NOT IN () excludes the items in the list LIKE will compare two strings with case insensitivity NOT LIKE will compare two strings and return those without the strings % can be used to match a sequence of zero or more characters with LIKE or NOT LIKE : col_name LIKE “%AT%” matches “AT”, “ATTIC”, “CAT”, or “BATS”. _ can be used to match any single character in a string : col_name LIKE “DA_” matches “DAN” but not “DA”.

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